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Free School Meals (FSM) & Pupil Premium

Did you know that our school could be missing out on more than £1300 of funding per year for 6 years to help your child succeed?

The Government currently gives a grant to schools to help children from lower income families do their very best. This funding is called “Pupil Premium” and it targets young people eligible for free school meals and those who have one or more parents serving in the armed forces. 

Think what a difference this funding might make to your child’s future; better resources, more staff to help in class, financial support for you towards trips and clubs, specialist training for staff, more catch-up groups, more support with key skills, mentoring etc.

There may be lots of families who could be eligible, but have not applied for a range of reasons. Our Pupil Premium leaflet gives more information.  

If you feel you may be eligible for Free School Meals, you can apply on the Cambridgeshire County Council Website.

Please click the documents linked below for more information on Free School Meals, including flyers from Cambridgeshire County Council and our Pupil Premium Leaflet.