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Beaupre’s Teaching Non-Negotiables

A key part of our school’s continuing improvement is the use of our teaching ‘Non-Negotiables’.  These are features of good and outstanding teaching we expect to include in every maths and literacy lesson across the school. They are easy to remember, as the initials spell QUACK! Our non-negotiables are:


Teachers use questioning and discussion to promote thinking and assess children’s learning.  Children’s responses show evidence of progress in knowledge and skills.


Children understand how to improve their work, the purpose of the lesson, and how they will know if they have succeeded. They are given enough time and opportunities for independent learning. They can evaluate their own and others’ progress


Teachers monitor pupils’ progress throughout lessons and make adjustments when necessary to ensure correct pitch and challenge.  Marking and feedback promotes pupils' responding to learning opportunities.   


Work is appropriately challenging for all children and meets their individual needs. Differentiation is used throughout the lesson.


Teachers explain new concepts clearly and accurately. They use correct vocabulary and model expectations.