Children of school-age who are registered at a school must, by law, attend that school regularly. When a child is absent from school, their learning is affected. They miss the lessons provided, and are less prepared for the lessons after their return to school. Absence also has a negative effect on social relationships and friendships.
As the Government changed the Persistent Absence threshold to 90% (in effect from Sept. 2015), the Local Authority may issue a Penalty Notice in relation to a child whose attendance at school is less than 90% over a given period. To allow time and opportunity for early intervention work with the family, attendance will be monitored by school and Local Authority before enforcement actions are considered.
Along with all other schools in the Wisbech Schools’ Partnership, we do not authorise absence for holidays in term-time. There are 190 school days in a year. This means that there are 175 other days in the year available to use for holidays. Every school day counts!
Please be aware that five or more consecutive days of unauthorised term time leave (includes holidays) will trigger a referral for a penalty notice. If parents do not tell us they are going on holiday, the referral will still be made if we do not receive enough evidence to authorise the absence. Parents are required to submit absence forms to the school if they know their children will be away for any reason.